paroles de fans2020-06-15T22:21:55+02:00

Paroles de Fans

mars 2020


mars 5th, 2020|Catégories : témoignages|Tags: |

Hi! I just stopped to show my support for your music. Thanks for creating great music that we(fans) want to play over and over.


mars 5th, 2020|Catégories : témoignages|Tags: |

Hi, I heard some songs off a friend and was really Impressed. I really like your sound and this is what i call good music. A lot better than most of the crap on the go these days.

janvier 2020


janvier 1st, 2020|Catégories : alluvium|Tags: |

ALLUVIUM you know I think all I can say is… wow.

Commentaires fermés sur roshel

novembre 2019


novembre 29th, 2019|Catégories : alluvium, témoignages|Tags: |

hey! this is the best music i’ve heard on n1m so far…please stay in touch, i want to follow your updates. all the best.


novembre 29th, 2019|Catégories : témoignages|Tags: |

I LOVE YOUR MUSIK.I listen to it pretty much every day.I would LOVE to listen to your music live.(awesome).


novembre 8th, 2019|Catégories : témoignages|Tags: |

Hi! I hope you make new songs non stop, my friends and I can’t wait to experience it.

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