paroles de fans2020-06-15T22:21:55+02:00

Paroles de Fans

mai 2020


mai 30th, 2020|Catégories : témoignages|Tags: |

Listened to your music. You’ve got a lot of talent. Plenty of it!


mai 30th, 2020|Catégories : témoignages|Tags: |

Hi, I was actually sharing another artist on n1m and I recommended your song by mistake. Best mistake I ever made. Thanks for your music, I love your work. And I think it’s real brave of you to put yourself out there and give so much of yourself to people without expecting anything.


mai 30th, 2020|Catégories : témoignages|Tags: |

WOW! I fell in love with your music! ! Sorry, that’s sorta corny, but it’s how I feel. I’m ur fan. I just forwarded your link to several friends. Will be buying your album. Keep it up, you have wonderful talent…good luck


mai 30th, 2020|Catégories : témoignages|Tags: |

your « the high meets the low » is my favorite. I’m just absolutely speechless about it. please keep up the brilliant work, its people like yourself that keep the music alive!


mai 30th, 2020|Catégories : témoignages|Tags: |

Congratulations on awesome music, i’ll be sending in my order soon. Keep up the great work and be safe.


mai 30th, 2020|Catégories : témoignages, fan|Tags: |

i will tweet your music as often as i can means daily! im speechless … absolutely amazing music

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